Ad Listings

Approved Providers can choose between 2 types of Ads, or a State Banner Ad:

  • Priority thumbnail placement
  • Multiple State placement allowed
    Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, etc
  • Placement in available categories
    Visiting, Busty, BBW, MILF, Porn Star, Body Rubs, Fetish, BDSM, Virtual, Coeds, FMTY
  • Up to 6 photos in a photo gallery
  • Screening and Verification included.
  • Available for:
    1 week - $65
    2 weeks - $100
    1 month - $165
    3 months - $285
    6 months - $480

If you have a Featured Ad and it expires, it automatically becomes a Free Ad unless you instruct us not to allow that to happen.

  • Appears after featured thumbnails
  • Only appears in your "Home State"
  • 1 photo allowed
  • Screening and Verification services at an additional cost.

Free Ads require that you accept RS2k and link back on your website, your booking page, or social media posts.

If you have a Free Ad, individual Verifications cost $10 each or you can purchase a pack of 5 for $40 and 10 for $75. They have no expiration date and you can use them as you need to.

If you signed up and created a Free Ad but would like it to become a Featured Ad, you need to go to Create a Featured Ad, upload additional photos, choose the length of time for the ad to be a Featured Ad, and make a payment.

  • Appears above all thumbnails
  • Multiple State placement if available
    Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, etc
  • Featured Ad included
  • Screening and Verification included
  • Available for:
    1 week - $125
    2 weeks - $225

Email us to double check availability of State Banner Ad placement.

You can contact us anytime with a question.